The Mighty Eighth Air Force

 15 August 1943



STRATEGIC OPERATIONS (Eighth Air Force): VIII Bomber Command Mission 82:
Luftwaffe airfields in France and the Netherlands are targetted today.
1. 180 B-17's are dispatched to Vlissingen Airfield in the Netherlands
and Amiens and Poix Airfield in France; 147 aircraft hit the targets at
1926-1931 hours; 48 B-17's are damaged; casualties are 3 WIA.
2. 147 B-17's are dispatched to Merville, Lille/Vendeville and Vitry en
Artois Airfields in France; 143 hit the targets at 1925-1933 hours; they
claim 9-0-1 Luftwaffe aircraft; 2 B-17's are lost and 11 damaged; casualties
are 1 KIA, 3 WIA and 20 MIA.
VIII Air Support Command Missions 19A, 19B and 20: Three Luftwaffe air-
fields are targetted:
1. 36 B-26's are dispatched against St Omer/Ft Rouge Airfield in France;
31 hit the target at 0959 hours; 18 B-26's are damaged.
2. 36 B-26's are dispatched against Woensdrecht Airfield, The Netherlands;
they turn back at the Dutch coast aborted the mission.
3. 21 B-26's are dispatched against the marshalling yard at Abbeville,
France; 19 hit the target at 1933 hours; 9 aircraft are damaged; casualties
are 1 WIA.