Once in Norfolk, we sailed over to the shipyards at
Portsmouth, Virginia. At the time, I had no idea where
we were going, only that we were definitely going somewhere.
It wasn't too long before we found out that we would be
loaded aboard an LST and set out for Thule, Greenland.

As you can see, massive chains and cables were hooked to
the 664 and it was lifted out of the water and onto the deck
of an LST. Our weight was 120 tons and we were
gingerly set down on huge sliding blocks and then chained
down for the long trip to Greenland. I can tell you for
certain that there is nothing worse than a top heavy round
bottom LST to sail the North Atlantic on.

Very gently the shipyard workers lowered us down onto the LST.
The whole process of loading our ship took about an hour. Once we
were safely settled on the launch blocks, they began the task of
lashing us down.

The big question for all of us in the beginning was what
are we going to Greenland for. There was a huge convoy
of ships, mostly cargo ships loaded with food, cigarettes,
dozers, cranes, building materials of all kinds. We
were soon to find out that we were going to bulid an air
force base in Thule. We also found out that there was no big
crane up there to lift us off the LST and that we would be
launched off the starboard side of the LST. It was
beyond my imagination as to how they would do this and I was
there with camera in hand just in case I could get a shot of
us going over the side. When the time came, we were all
ordered off the 664 onto the LST 983 and they began to fill
the starboard side of the LST with ballast water. At the
same time, they removed all the chains holding us down until
there were only 3 one inch cables left. When we were
sufficiently tilted, three men with axes simultaneously came
down on the cables with the axes and the 664 went sliding

I managed to get this shot of our 120 ton ship in mid air just
before it hit the water. When it struck the water, it went totally
under and then came bouncing up like a very large cork. It was a
tremendous splash and I would have caught that too if it had been
one of today's cameras in my hand at the time;
We crossed the Artic Circle on our way to Thule and everyone
who went got an ID card identifying them as having entered the
northern domain of the Polar Bear. We became part of the "Ye Royal
Order of Blue Nose".

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